Are your Abs ready for summer?

Two exercises I use on the bench press… a very simple leg raise but by using the bar to stabilise myself I can incorporate obliques and upper abs, getting a much more intense workout but more importantly hitting more than one muscle group in the abdominal area.

” Always mix it up …and challenge your body…= Results “

Training abdominals – Struggling for ideas? Here are some of my basic options;
Vsits ( option 1+2 you balance on your glutes “bum”, so 99% of people will find this a challenge in itself so don’t be disheartened if you struggle on your attempt 1…2…3…you will progress and get better at it ,be persistent and you will master the V sit ups

Option 1 : Will work upper ,middle, lower abs.

Option 2 : Will work upper ,middle, lower abs , but adding a small rotation will also work the obliques at side of the rib cage .

Option 3 : Will work middle, lower abs , also you will improve your upper body strength holding your own body weight .


Feel free to contact me for advice #teamsfy #dannysfy #personaltraining #pt #sfy #york

or email [email protected] or call 01904 541341

p.s – Keep on top of your food check read this blog to help you get the balance 70 percent Food 30 percent Training